Англiйська мова(Правосуд Т П)
Dear students,
Join our group using this code - 4uxbmw
Dear students,
Do your H/W in your work-book. Then take a photo of your work and send it to this email: pravosudtatiana@gmail.com The subject of your e-mail - The date of the H/W,then the number and the page of the exercise.
Dear students ,
This is your homework for 09/03/2021
1. Прочитай та письмово виконай завдання до тексту(Tasks 2-5) про муз фестиваль- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NX3_yPR6ouuT_qA3iB_3t3cwSef3i-Ns/view?usp=sharing
+ Consider the following questions:
What is the name of the festival?
Where is it?
When is it?
What sort of music is played?
Which famous artists/ bands headline/d?
Are there any other activities?
2. Британська сучасна музична культура відома яскравими виконавцями. Обери пісню одного з них та sing it out loud!
NB! See the previous tasks on my blog - https://tpmyenglishclass.blogspot.com/p/form-10
Річна оцінка по предмету буде складатися з оцінки за 1 семестр, оцінки за 2 семестр, яка виставляється за період до 12.03 та підсумкової оцінки з дистанційного навчання. Середній бал за трьома параметрами і є річною.
Якщо немає змоги надсилати роботи електронною поштою, можете надати свої роботи в зошиті або на інших паперових носіях, залишивши їх у чергового школи з 25.05 по 10.06 з 9.00 до 12.00.
Тож, у період до 10.06 можна доздати або перездати ту чи іншу роботу.
Увага ! Перездати семестрову контрольну роботу не можно, а здати - так!!!
Увага ! Перездати семестрову контрольну роботу не можно, а здати - так!!!
Якщо з якоїсь причини учень буде не атестований,учитель складає для нього індивідуальний план на літо і у вересні приймає залік.
Навчальні досягнення - HERE
Dear students,
Before your summer holidays start, read the following articles from British council about different ways of improving your language skills:
#2 - https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/pop-songs-connected-speech-fluent-english?utm_source=BC_TE_Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=voices&fbclid=IwAR0yZ7iQD38VQ8_OcSpHBGYZdcS9yuKO-6YBArtQpJH50Ye3dlZPQz1Yurc
Choose some songs you like and .....
sing along- https://padlet.com/TeachingEnglishJukebox/TeachingEnglishJukebox?fbclid=IwAR12BjP-zds32_tC9ax4va2DoWU7rgti45wllVmGKwP-bgtED9aT11i6PWs
Choose some songs you like and .....
sing along- https://padlet.com/TeachingEnglishJukebox/TeachingEnglishJukebox?fbclid=IwAR12BjP-zds32_tC9ax4va2DoWU7rgti45wllVmGKwP-bgtED9aT11i6PWs
E.g. - Smth. popular in the past like Barry Manilow Copacabana - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cB5VQAAOYk
or - Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUNJc22MAb8
or - Queen - We Are The Champions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY
or smth. contemporary like Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots or...... whatever to your liking.
or - Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUNJc22MAb8
or - Queen - We Are The Champions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY
or smth. contemporary like Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots or...... whatever to your liking.
25/05/2020 - II Semester Final Test - Click on the words below to see the tasks of the Test:
Task 2 - Use of English
Task 3 - Writing
Attention!!! 26/05 - II Semester Final Test!
#25- This is your H/W for 22/05/2020:
Check your English: Do Ex. 1-4 pp.252-255 in writing
#24- This is your H/W for 22/05/2020:
Use your skills: 1. Do Ex. 1-2 pp.247-248 orally
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 248-249 and Ex 4 a/b p 249-250 in writing
#23- This is your H/W for 19/05/2020:
Focus in writing:
1.Read info. how to write a summary - Ex.4 p.246
2. Write your summary of this magazine article - https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/life-around-world/time-vote
1. Read and orally answer the questions - Ex. 2 p. 242
2. Answer the questions in writing - Ex. 1 p. 242
#21- This is your H/W for 15/05/2020:
1. Build your grammar: Do tests of Ex.1-5 pp.234-237 orally.
2. Focus on Listening: 1.Do Ex. 1 p 237 orally
2. Listen to the information about Canada and
do Ex. 2 p. 238 - click HERE
and Ex. 3 p. 239 - click HERE
3. Do Ex.5 p 241 in writing
#20- This is your H/W for 12/05/2020:
Across State Systems:
1.Think and answer the questions of warming up section at p. 223
2. Develop your vocabulary - pp.231-234 - do all ex-es orally
3. Read Ex.2 pp.224-226 and do Ex. 3-4 p.227 - click HERE
4. Do Ex. 6 and Ex.9 pp.228, 231 in writing
Happy Victory Day!!!
#19- This is your H/W for 08/05/2020:
Check your English:
1 Do Ex. 1 and 2 pp. 220 in writing
2. Listen and complete the sentences Ex.3 p, 221 - click Here
3. Read Ex. 4 p. 221-222 and do the test to it in writing.
3. Read Ex. 4 p. 221-222 and do the test to it in writing.
#18- This is your H/W for 08/05/2020:
Use your Skills:
Use your Skills:
1 Do Ex. 1 - 4 pp. 216-217 orally
2. Read Ex.5 p, 217-218
3. Do Ex. 8 p. 219 in writing (Discuss only 3 sports from the list)
#17 - This is your H/W for 05/05/2020:
Focus on Speaking and Writing:
1 Do Ex. 1 and 2 pp. 209-211 orally
2. Read Ex.7 p, 214-215
3. Do Ex. 8 p. 215 in writing#16 - This is your H/W for 28/04/2020:
Focus on Listening -
Ex. 4 p.207 (I shared the file with you) and do the tests - Ex. 5-7 pp. 207-208 in writing - click HERE
#15 - This is your H/W for 24/04/2020:
Build your grammar -
1.Do Ex. 1-3 p 203-204 orally
2. Do Ex. 4 - 6 pp. 205-206 in writing#14 - This is your H/W for 24/04/2020:
Develop our vocabulary -
1.Do Ex. 1-3 p 202 orally
2. Do Ex. 4 and 5 pp. 202-203 in writing
#13 - This is your H/W for 21/04/2020:
1. Read the text Ex. 3 p. 198 - 200
2. Do Ex. 4 (If it is False explain your choice)and 5 p 200 in writing
#12 - This is your H/W for 17/04/2020:
Check your English: Do the tests in reading - Ex. 1, Ex.2 and Ex. 4 p.194-195
#11 - This is your H/W for 17/04/2020:
Write a paragraph using ideas about the problem - Ex. 9 p. 193, share your opinion by writing yours.
#10 - This is your H/W for 14/04/2020:
Read about the art galleries in London - Ex.8 p.191-192 and choose one to visit: Tate Britain - https://www.tate.org.uk/visit/tate-britain
National Portrait Gallery - https://www.npg.org.uk/
Somerset House- https://www.somersethouse.org.uk/
The National Gallery- https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/
Write a review of your virtual visit ( 1 page long) describing your impressions.
#9 - This is your H/W for 10/04/2020:
Write an essay(100 words) on one of the topics(1-6) which you are free to choose - Ex.6 p. 190
#8 - This is your H/W for 10/04/2020:
1. Do Ex.3 pp.188-189 orally.
2. Do Ex. 1,2 p. 188 in writing
#7 - This is your H/W for 07/04/2020:
1. Do Ex.6 pp.185-187 orally.
2. Do Ex. 7 p. 187 in writing
Spring Holidays - 28/03-05/04
Spring Holidays - 28/03-05/04
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